


A new breed of management control, resource allocation, balanced scorecard, GPRA compliant, budgeting, and planning system from Alacrity Inc., the company that provides consulting and software for sophisticated management systems.

"There are three dimensions to the economic task: (1) The present business must be made effective; (2) its potential must be realized; (3) it must be made into a different business for a different future. Each task requires a distinct approach. Each asks different questions. Each comes out with different conclusions. Yet they are inseparable. All three have to be done at the same time: today."

Peter Drucker, Managing For Results, 1964


Alacrity Results ManagementÔ (ARM ) is a new breed of software system for supporting the

complex tasks of managers. It helps individual managers with the tasks of management control, planning, budgeting, allocating resources, competency tracking and improving their operations, as well as providing a way to link their decisions to other managers’ activities. It helps senior executives influence and lead the organization in ways that have not been possible before — and which are needed in leaner, decentralized, or virtual organizations.

ARM allows you to refocus the organization on what is important ¾ on managing in order to achieve results for both today’s and tomorrow’s business. It supports a management philosophy of Plan-Do-Improve. Without plans, the right things don’t happen. Without best practices in implementation, you won’t achieve the results you need. If improvement is not sought, it does not happen.

ARM supports all the important management decisions and processes in your organization ¾ it stores and tracks data, knowledge and decisions. It can be implemented in stages.

In short, Alacrity Results Management is the largest step forward in Results Management since Peter Drucker wrote about it in 1964.

ARM is developed in state-of-the-art tools, so that not only does it support your needs today, it can evolve as fast as your needs do in the future.



  • Improved results through the Balanced Scorecard approach.
  • Linked results, decisions, resources and players.
  • Results-oriented resource management.
  • Clear communication of goals and strategies and
  • Tailored solutions for different parts of the organization.


    ARM helps you manage different types of organizational units including departments, divisions, branches, project teams and third parties. The number of units and their reporting relationships can be configured by you to reflect organizational changes and mergers. It also supports the tracking of versions of the corporate structure.

    Each organizational unit has its assigned responsibilities in planning, decision making, resource allocation, resource provision, actions, budgeting, and performance etc. ARM allows you to assign these responsibilities to the units and provide them with the software support for planning, monitoring and tracking their accountabilities.



    Alacrity Results Management helps you manage performance measures in both financial and non-financial areas. You can develop customer, internal process and learning measures. These measures can relate to one another, either through clearly defined equations or stated as hypotheses which can be verified and refined.

    The basket of performance measures is developed and adopted in the planning process by individual units. You can choose to consolidate the quantifiable measures to obtain an organizational number. Qualitative measures can also be managed. You will be able to monitor these measures to determine your strategic and operational successes.

    ARM also provides a way to manage these measures. There are approval processes, reporting, analyses and alerts which help you to adjust your course of action. The software provides a tangible way to communicate your objectives to other managers and to help them align their plans and actions to the corporate goals.

    In other words, Alacrity Results Management will help you implement your strategies using the principle of the Balanced Scorecard. It will help you make your strategies operational and manageable.



    The decisions that managers make fall into the areas of Where do we want to be (objectives)? How do we get here (strategies/tactics)? What are the steps (action plan)? and What are the financial and other performance consequences (operating/financial plans or budgets)? Whether it is business, marketing, sales, IT, or project planning, a similar process of situation analysis and decision making applies.

    With ARM you can create a planning, accountability and assessment process for the decisions your organization needs to improve. You can define the analyses and topics that need to be addressed as well as the process of analysis. You can address topics from external factors, customer analysis, key accounts, competitive forces, past sales, marketing and financial results, to operational information. It is also possible to attach an information mart (or database) to the planning and priority setting process so that a common set of data is provided to support the decision making process. These analyses are usually done in the Assessment component.

    Based on the Assessment, users develop objectives and strategies and link their decisions to those of others in the organization. This is done in the Direction component. Strategies support objectives and may also drive or support other strategies. This linkage of objectives and strategies can be applied to a variety of processes such as IT, operations, sales, marketing, financial, and project planning.

    Strategies lead to action steps or projects. The Actions and Resources component helps you define action/project time frame, responsibilities, resource requirements and budgets.

    Actions lead to performance and financial consequences either at the revenue or the expense side. Additional non-financial measures such as increase in competencies, market share, operational quality or performance measures can be tracked to identify implementation success. These are all identified in Results Management which addresses the Financial or Operating Plan. You can compare top-down and bottom-up projections, consolidate results, compare plan versus actual, review variance comments, and compare different versions of plans.

    Publishing and approval processes are built into the software. The process can be simple or expanded to accommodate more complex gate point systems to decide if projects should proceed.



    Many business improvement initiatives today are addressed through multi-functional team projects. A common challenge is too many projects and not enough resources. ARM helps you with this problem in two ways.

    Alacrity Results Management can be used to develop and evaluate project concepts to make sure they fit your corporate objectives and strategies before you invest heavily in the project. A gating process can be used for selection using evaluation criteria such as strategic direction, resource availability, quality of execution and financial returns. This process will help you demonstrate the value of the project, be it externally (e.g. new products) or internally (e.g. IT) focused. This helps you manage and track the flow of projects accepted into the "pipeline".

    ARM helps you allocate limited resources to the important projects in a timely manner. It tracks resources from different business units allocated to the portfolio of projects. ARM uses the concept of contracts to indicate the commitment between resource providers and resource requesters to track resource usage. Commitments between units or third parties (suppliers, contractors and customers) can also include transfer pricing on contracts, or actual contracts with outside parties. Resource classifications can be as simple or as complex as your organization requires. They can have many different attributes such as competencies or skills, location, technology, etc. Projection of resource requirements (e.g. by skills and time frame) can also be developed to anticipate training or hiring needs.



    In ARM, objectives, strategies, actions, financial results and other performance measures are linked in a cascading manner. Strategies support objectives; actions support strategies; performance measures are the results of actions. These elements can also be linked vertically and horizontally across units. As a result, management always has a clear idea of how performance measures are driven by the decisions and actions of the organization. Each unit knows how it can contribute to the success of the organization. The implementation of business strategy is not only clearly defined but can also be easily monitored, managed and improved.

    The bi-directional linkages in the ARM system are achievable only with object-oriented technology. This capability gives managers a powerful tool to look at decisions from multiple perspectives. For example, management can review the actions planned to support a corporate strategy, can identify the dollars related to a corporate initiative, can determine how units are supporting corporate objectives, etc. Resources in the business can be reviewed in many ways, e.g. by unit, by status, by commitments made and by state of fulfillment.



    Organizations who use ARM recognize the importance of meeting the challenges of their changing environment. They want management systems which keep pace with their improvement in knowledge, processes and organization structure. They want the flexibility to adopt the management system at their pace in different parts of the organization and with the ability to address issues pertinent to those functional units or teams. However, they also want a consistent approach in process and technology.

    Based on two decades of consulting and software experience, Alacrity Results Management is developed based on the concept of component-ware to meet the demands of our customers. We provide a series of software components that we wire together to give you a custom system for off-the-shelf prices. Components are the most effective approach to providing a robust and flexible framework that can change as fast as your business changes. Most software is inflexible and has not been designed to anticipate rapid evolution of your needs. The design of ARM assumes that your requirements are continually changing and that reducing the total life cycle cost of your software is a critical issue.

    There are four key components which are used in combination to configure the management system you need. They are:



    Alacrity Results Management can support management practices in a variety of areas. It can be used by individual departments, sales branches and teams, or implemented corporate wide. The following are some examples of usage.

    How Alacrity Results Management Helps You Achieve the Results You Want

    Improved Financial Results

    Enable the tracing of "whys" from financial results to customer, process and learning performance measures

    Improve resource allocation for and monitoring of important business initiatives and projects

    Reduce planning effort and improve results orientation

    Success in Strategic Implementation

    Monitor financial, customer, process and learning measures

    Measures are incorporated in the planning system and linked to strategies and objectives

    Measures can also be tracked in projects and action plans and any gating processes

    Linkage of objectives to strategies within and between units

    Process and methodology for rapid plan development focusing on key issues

    Linkage of analysis to business plans to action plan to budgets

    Getting Value from IT

    Process to help select projects based on strategic, financial, resource availability and other criteria

    Linkage of IT results to Balanced Scorecard

    Portfolio analysis of IT projects

    High level management oriented information for monitoring projects

    Resource management to ensure effectiveness

    More Marketing Oriented

    Marketing oriented analysis and performance measures can be included in the planning process for any unit

    Market and customer information can be easily incorporated into analysis

    Key Account Management

    Bottom-up results planning and budgeting can be based on key customer accounts

    Top-down and bottom-up forecasting comparison

    Results planning distributed to the level of unit you want

    Results easily consolidated

    Analysis can be incorporated as part of the planning process

    Reduced Planning Time, Increased Effectiveness

    Focused methodology for individual planning unit needs

    Provides knowledge, information and framework to make planning easy and productive

    Linkage of analysis to objectives to strategies to actions to budget ensures coherent thinking

    Easy tracing of plan versus actual

    Results oriented where desired results can include financial, customer, process and learning measures.

    Improved Project Results With Limited Resources

    Assistance in selecting projects with evaluation rating and gating process. Selection can be based on a number of factors from strategic fit, financial returns to resource availability and risks

    Resource commitments between users and providing units are made explicit through "contracts". Transfer pricing can be incorporated if needed

    Resource match based on criteria such as skills, experience, productivity, career goal and availability

    Projection of resource requirements by criteria

    Improved Time to Market and Hit Rate

    Gating process for project selection to reduce risks and improve knowledge up-front

    Process to improve definition early and increase marketing orientation

    Multi-functional team process for better and coordinated decision making



    Being "results-oriented" is not sufficient for breakthrough performance. The prerequisite for getting what you want is to determine where you want to go and the path for getting there. In other words, only managers who plan, can get the results they need. Alacrity Results Management helps managers to plan effectively. It also helps you with the other ingredients needed to achieve breakthrough performance — learning and improvement. It helps you with timely information for adjusting your course of action. It also helps you understand why you succeed or fail and helps you adjust your hypothesis for a new round of decisions and actions. ARM supports the practice of PLAN-DO-IMPROVE which is fundamental to getting the results you want.



    Alacrity Inc. is a full-service solution provider. We provide complete management and technology needs analysis and implementation service. Alacrity Results Management can be implemented in pieces and provides a robust and flexible solution.

    Although the product is configured to your needs, you do not need to develop your processes and specifications from ground zero. Our consulting and systems experience enables us to have prototype processes and systems which you can modify and develop into specifications appropriate for your organization. We also have extensive experience with the process of introducing new software supported management systems into organizations and can help you develop introductory plans and migration paths. We can help you plan and introduce your management system.



    ARM is a client-server, multi-platform, object-oriented component application to help managers focus on results, manage key decision making, implement successfully, and allocate resources. Twelve years of software development experience have gone into ARM. The system’s architecture is modular and designed to anticipate your changing needs. It can scale to manage multi-national organizations.

    Alacrity Inc. provides a full range of services to support the software, including strategic facilitation, needs analysis, programming, implementation, user training, and out-sourced support.

    Key capabilities of the Alacrity Results Management include the following:

    Balanced Scorecard approach to strategic implementation that allows linkage of decisions to actions to outcome. Outcomes in the financial, customer, process and learning areas can be linked. Hypotheses can be stated, monitored and verified.

    Cascading objectives, strategies, actions and performance measures. The decisions are linked to results. The decisions and results between units can also be linked and consolidated if appropriate.

    Flexible step by step planning process that can be configured to suit strategic, business, marketing, sales, information technology, project and other planning processes.

    Project monitoring at management level, focusing upon key milestone achievements and overall resource allocation issues. More detailed project planning is normally handled with project management packages. Projects are linked with strategies allowing management to review progress of strategic implementation.

    Resource management to support project implementation. Resource characteristics can include knowledge, experience, skills, equipment constraints or time constraints. You can assign resources and project future requirements.

    Help facilities to support users on business issues as well as software usage. Additional help in the form of useful information can be addressed by the process, including optional links to existing or new databases, e.g. marketing data warehouses, plan repositories, market research, performance information and other unit plans.

    Superb navigation tools for tracking relationships in an organization and revealing how strategies are supported by actions, how actions affect resource constraints, how actions lead to performance. Relationships can be tracked in any direction e.g. from performance to actions to local level strategies to high level strategies.

    Approval process, versioning, audit and log trails. Ability to handle matrixed, project oriented, temporary, merging, virtual or external organizations. Links to G/Ls and other database sources. Exports to spreadsheet.

    Version 5 of Alacrity Results Management is available on most popular operating systems, including the Windows family, OS/2, Macintosh and UNIX. ARM is usually run as a client-server application on Windows NT or HP, IBM or Sun UNIX servers.

    As component-ware, ARM can be extended easily and quickly to include new features or linked with existing information sources and systems.

    If you would like to find out how you can benefit from the state of the art in results management, planning, resource allocation, budgeting, project tracking and performance or accountability tracking, please contact:

    Alistair Davidson, Chairman, Mary Chung, President, or Harvey Gellman, Executive Vice-President, at:

    Alacrity Inc.

    50 Wellington Street East, Suite 301, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5E 1C8

    Phone: +1-416-362-5099. Fax: +1-416-362-0133.

    E-mail: Web sites: and


    Alacrity and horse logo is a registered trademark and Alacrity Results Management is a trademark of Alacrity Inc. in Canada and the US and a trademark in other jurisdictions. Copyright Alacrity Inc. 1996-7. All rights reserved.

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