Auszug aus dem Protokoll eines Web-Servers

Protokollierung der Einzelzugriffe

09/01/97 09:19:58 OK :default.html 6142
09/01/97 09:20:02 OK :Bilder:tse.gif 5955
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09/01/97 13:07:19 OK :Bilder:blueBall.gif 1022
09/01/97 13:07:22 OK :Bilder:Brief.gif 105
09/01/97 13:07:34 OK :Betriebsvereinbarungen:Vereinbarungen.html 523
09/01/97 13:07:35 OK :Betriebsvereinbarungen:Themen.html 4671
09/01/97 13:07:36 OK :Betriebsvereinbarungen:Navigation.html 1475

Weitere Überwachungsmöglichkeiten - Firewalls - Zensur - Startseite


Statistik-Programm zur Auswertung des Web-Server-Protokolls

Generated by: WebStat 2.3.4
Last updated: Sun Aug 31 14:08:46 1997

Summary for Period: Jul 3 1997 to Aug 31 1997

Files Transmitted During Summary Period            2326
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period         6704058
Average Files Transmitted Daily                      38
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily                  111734

Statistics are summarized by:

Daily Transmission Statistics

             Number of    Number of    Percent of  Percent of
   Date      Files Sent   Bytes Sent   Files Sent  Bytes Sent
-----------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ----------
Jul  3 1997          55        255375      2.36        3.81
Jul  4 1997          28         90637      1.20        1.35
Jul  5 1997          47        120389      2.02        1.80
Jul  6 1997          55         40436      2.36        0.60
Jul  7 1997         116        209913      4.99        3.13
Jul  8 1997          21         52211      0.90        0.78
Jul  9 1997          86        215436      3.70        3.21
Jul 11 1997         125        388409      5.37        5.79
Jul 12 1997          62        145934      2.67        2.18
Jul 13 1997          54        132376      2.32        1.97
Jul 15 1997          11         30929      0.47        0.46
Jul 16 1997          49          4811      2.11        0.07
Jul 20 1997          60        232177      2.58        3.46
Jul 21 1997          49         87371      2.11        1.30
Jul 22 1997         109        471549      4.69        7.03
Jul 23 1997          42         48219      1.81        0.72
Jul 24 1997          71        106261      3.05        1.59
Jul 25 1997         138        165066      5.93        2.46
Jul 26 1997           1           128      0.04        0.00
Jul 27 1997          13         26435      0.56        0.39
Jul 28 1997         270       1385971     11.61       20.67
Jul 29 1997         141        638278      6.06        9.52
Aug  1 1997          75        149606      3.22        2.23
Aug  2 1997           7         41684      0.30        0.62
Aug  3 1997          22         41494      0.95        0.62
Aug  6 1997          56        162886      2.41        2.43
Aug  9 1997           1          7374      0.04        0.11
Aug 11 1997          72        228071      3.10        3.40
Aug 12 1997           1          7374      0.04        0.11
Aug 13 1997          33         58764      1.42        0.88
Aug 14 1997          11         33438      0.47        0.50
Aug 15 1997          46        135025      1.98        2.01
Aug 17 1997          24         52904      1.03        0.79
Aug 19 1997          29        106478      1.25        1.59
Aug 21 1997          54        189723      2.32        2.83
Aug 22 1997         141        395261      6.06        5.90
Aug 24 1997           4         18548      0.17        0.28
Aug 25 1997          29         81375      1.25        1.21
Aug 26 1997          43         63860      1.85        0.95
Aug 27 1997           9         14417      0.39        0.22
Aug 28 1997          11             0      0.47        0.00
Aug 31 1997          55         67465      2.36        1.01

Hourly Transmission Statistics

      Number of    Number of    Percent of  Percent of
Time  Files Sent   Bytes Sent   Files Sent  Bytes Sent
----  ----------  ------------  ----------  ----------
 00           18         46263      0.77        0.69
 01           12          7374      0.52        0.11
 02            0             0      0.00        0.00
 03            0             0      0.00        0.00
 04            0             0      0.00        0.00
 05            0             0      0.00        0.00
 06            0             0      0.00        0.00
 07            1          7374      0.04        0.11
 08           50        201952      2.15        3.01
 09          165        375731      7.09        5.60
 10          345       1583630     14.83       23.62
 11          232        518532      9.97        7.73
 12          224        378280      9.63        5.64
 13          139        403240      5.98        6.01
 14          155        335627      6.66        5.01
 15          102        238260      4.39        3.55
 16          118        320759      5.07        4.78
 17          113        215382      4.86        3.21
 18           22         71569      0.95        1.07
 19          325        996940     13.97       14.87
 20           89        236496      3.83        3.53
 21           94        338263      4.04        5.05
 22           41         94249      1.76        1.41
 23           81        334137      3.48        4.98

Weekday Transmission Statistics

             Number of    Number of    Percent of  Percent of
    Day      Files Sent   Bytes Sent   Files Sent  Bytes Sent
-----------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ----------
Sunday              287        611835     12.34        9.13
Monday              536       1992701     23.04       29.72
Tuesday             355       1370679     15.26       20.45
Wednesday           275        504533     11.82        7.53
Thursday            202        584797      8.68        8.72
Friday              553       1324004     23.77       19.75
Saturday            118        315509      5.07        4.71

Total Transfers by Client Domain

                             Number of    Number of    Percent of  Percent of
        Domain Name          Files Sent   Bytes Sent   Files Sent  Bytes Sent
---------------------------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ----------
Germany                            1243       3411492     53.44       50.89
Network                             427       1455855     18.36       21.72
US Commercial                       267        737862     11.48       11.01
[unresolved]                        389       1098849     16.72       16.39

Total Transfers by Client Reversed Subdomain

                             Number of    Number of    Percent of  Percent of
    Reversed  Subdomain      Files Sent   Bytes Sent   Files Sent  Bytes Sent
---------------------------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ----------                21         52211      0.90        0.78                22         41494      0.95        0.62                16         20465      0.69        0.31                 1          7374      0.04        0.11                21         29032      0.90        0.43                10         23769      0.43        0.35                15         38059      0.64        0.57
com.compuserve.ad16-005              37        171624      1.59        2.56
com.compuserve.dub.dd11-004          15         35570      0.64        0.53
com.compuserve.dub.dd19-003           7         20961      0.30        0.31
com.compuserve.dub.dd24-083           1          7429      0.04        0.11
com.compuserve.dub.dd66-243          47        210111      2.02        3.13
com.compuserve.hil.hd11-129           4         18548      0.17        0.28
com.compuserve.hil.hd24-082          10         23769      0.43        0.35
com.compuserve.hil.hd31-186          20         14824      0.86        0.22
com.compuserve.hil.hd81-242          11             0      0.47        0.00
com.hightek.modem-ip-013              8         22494      0.34        0.34
com.infrabrk.hqde.brat                1           128      0.04        0.00
de.cww.cww-proxy1                    27        124393      1.16        1.86
de.cww.cww-proxy2                     8          1262      0.34        0.02
de.cww.cww-proxy3                    11         19156      0.47        0.29
de.dasa.dornier.gate                 11         25300      0.47        0.38
de.detemobil.cp                     170        530869      7.31        7.92                 3          2038      0.13        0.03
de.dtag.btx.funnel24                 76        215436      3.27        3.21
de.dtag.btx.funnel30                 10             0      0.43        0.00
de.dtag.btx.www02                   354        694906     15.22       10.37
...uni-hagen.access-avz1-p12         29        206736      1.25        3.08
de.fhg.proxy0                        24         52904      1.03        0.79
de.gmd.gex.enigma                     8         41812      0.34        0.62
de.handshake.hs-gate                 57        170260      2.45        2.54                     63        202457      2.71        3.02
de.tu-bs.rz.rzis3                     1          7374      0.04        0.11
de.t-online.dip.s.p401eb8            18         79667      0.77        1.19
de.t-online.srv.d.ics1f              29         67255      1.25        1.00
de.t-online.srv.d.ics2f              31         76711      1.33        1.14
de.t-online.srv.hh.ics1f             31        112156      1.33        1.67
de.t-online.srv.hh.ics2f             69        170223      2.97        2.54
de.t-online.srv.h.ics1f              29         55530      1.25        0.83
de.t-online.srv.h.ics2f              43        114173      1.85        1.70
de.t-online.srv.m.ics1f              20         58710      0.86        0.88
de.t-online.srv.m.ics2f               4         18617      0.17        0.28
de.t-online.srv.s.ics1f              28         88759      1.20        1.32
de.t-online.srv.s.ics2f               1           706      0.04        0.01
...t.informatik.rbi.eleusius         28         92454      1.20        1.38
de.uni-frankfurt.rz.spock            10         24397      0.43        0.36
...ulm.extern.port11-highway         20         43408      0.86        0.65
...ulm.extern.port12-highway         29        113695      1.25        1.70
de.w-4.proxy                          1           128      0.04        0.00        181        233532      7.78        3.48          1          7429      0.04        0.11        166        885416      7.14       13.21
net.mediaways.demdwu02               79        329478      3.40        4.91                      134        614440      5.76        9.17                       26         54736      1.12        0.82                       21         11309      0.90        0.17                       22          4811      0.95        0.07                       16          3423      0.69        0.05                       10             0      0.43        0.00                       19         19319      0.82        0.29                         29        106478      1.25        1.59                         78        192804      3.35        2.88                       15         41172      0.64        0.61                       19         50357      0.82        0.75

Total Transfers from each Archive Section

                             Number of    Number of    Percent of  Percent of
      Archive Section        Files Sent   Bytes Sent   Files Sent  Bytes Sent
---------------------------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ----------
/aktuell/AppTrends.html               1          4641      0.04        0.07
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/aktuell/PushTec.html                 2          9216      0.09        0.14
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...barungen/Chronologie.html          8         15448      0.34        0.23
...nbarungen/Navigation.html         46         45781      1.98        0.68
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